
Projets de recherche en cours

- Projet Ensemble

L’état de l’art dans la modélisation en hydrogéologie est lié au développement de plusieurs domaines de recherche comme la géologie, la physique, la géophysique, l’hydrogéologie ou les mathématiques. Trop souvent, ces recherches sont conduites indépendamment par des équipes différentes et ne sont pas intégrées autour d’une vision commune. Le but du projet ENSEMBLE soutenu par le Fond National de la Recherche Scientifique Suisse est d’intégrer les derniers développements dans ces différents domaines afin de fournir des outils permettant d’accroitre notre capacité à comprendre et prédire les systèmes hydrologiques complexes.

Collaborateurs: Prof Philippe Renard, Dr. Julien Straubhaar, Guillaume Pirot (PhD student)

Plus d'informations : http://www.ensemble-modeling.org

- Xibalba Project

In this project, the aim is to understand groundwater flow and karst network formations in the region of Tulum, Mexico. This project is done in close collaboration with the Austrian Geological Survey in Vienna. The research questions are related to the processes that lead to the formation of one of the largest submarine karst system in the world.

Collaborators: Prof Philippe Renard, Axayacati Maqueda (PhD student), Martin Hendrick (PhD student)

More information :  http://xibalba.geophysik.at/Project.html

- Rainbow Project

Multiple point statistics, and especially the direct sampling technique can be used to model not only geological heterogeneity but also climatic variables. In this project, we test how the direct sampling can perform for those type of variables. This seems to be specially interesting since it requires a minimum effort of statistical inference.

Collaborators: Prof Philippe Renard, Fabio Oriani (PhD student)


The stochastic research group actively collaborates with several institutions worldwide. Our most active current links are with:

The stochastic research group has maintained a long standing collaboration with private companies. We are particularly thankfull to the following companies for their support:

  • Ephesia Consult. Since 2006, we have been working closely with Ephesia Consult to develop multiple point statistics techniques.
  • Total is supporting our research on multiple-point statistics.
  • Schlumberger funded the PhD thesis of A. Borghi on the modeling of karstic systems.
  • Paradigm is providing us with GOCAD modelling software for research and teaching purposes, free of charge.  We are pleased that some of our code (Impala) is embedded in this software.